Contemplative Guidance

In contemplative guidance we seek spiritual understanding.  We learn to trust our inner wisdom to lead us back to the path of Love.  Our intuitive awareness can be resurrected.  In our time together, we will seek to uncover any false beliefs we have about ourselves and reunite with an Inward Grace within.

The basic premise of Contemplative Spiritual Guidance rests on the notion of "brilliant sanity" and as such, we will know our basic spiritual nature is characterized by clarity, openness, and compassion much like when we were children. As we are guided together within a non-dual, empathic, setting, we find the Source of Unconditional Love waits patiently within.

As your contemplative spiritual guide, we will explore and process unresolved conflict within a safe space. When our emotional pain and harmful behavior, which may include addictive symptoms are recognized without judgment, then deep healing can begin. I will gently guide you to uncover your "true self" through your own understanding and self-forgiveness.  All recovery begins within...

The Twelve Steps of Recovery, a Design for Harmonious Living

We will work together to ease inner turmoil, promote self-acceptance, and foster self-forgiveness.  In our surrender and willingness to follow the Twelve Step directions, a spiritual path to recovery,  our "True Self" is revealed.  With this revelation, the desire to know and follow a journey of Love for ourselves and others opens up before us.  From the darkness of a fear-based and often angry ego, we discover within us a spiritual strength to move toward wellness.

Contemplative Spiritual Guidance, Revealing the Known

My practice encourages receiving direction from within the Presence.  In this immediate now, we will honor and cultivate spiritual inner knowing.  We will understand cognitive behavioral therapy (thoughts + feelings = behavior), motivational interviewing, and Twelve Step facilitation therapy, a known, best practice model can be guided by spiritual mystery.  Silence and Heart meditation will be woven throughout as we move toward a deeper understanding of spirit and self..

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.
~ Galileo Galilei.

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